Announcing the new Disinfo Defense Toolkit!

Curated by ReFrame and PEN America for the Disinfo Defense League. Powerful tools to push back while continuing to advance our work for justice

Curated by ReFrame and PEN America for the Disinfo Defense League.

We are facing a storm of disinformation, conspiracy theories, half-truths and lies. But organizers know what’s up.

Cover of the Disinfo Defense Toolkit with logos of PEN America, ReFrame and Disinfo Defense League
Disinfo Defense Toolkit

We just need relevant tools to push back while continuing to advance our work for justice. We understand that while the details of the disinfo might be new, the underlying narratives that make the disinfo believable have been advancing for decades.

These new disinformation streams give emotional urgency to these narratives, often by exploiting fear, and thrive in voids of clear, factual and equally emotional information. As we respond to disinformation and misinformation, it’s our job to start seeding counter narratives that innoculate against disinformation by creating a new common sense where racist, sexist and homophobic values have no place, and therefore little cognitive traction through which to spread (Check out our blog post for more).

This toolkit can help you do this, during this election season and beyond.

Thank you to all who contributed tools and resources to this first edition:

American Press Institute
Claudia Flores-Saviaga
First Draft
Institute for the Future
Dr. Joan Donovan
Media Justice
Strategic Victory Fund
The Leadership Conference
United We Dream
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Voting Rights Lab
Win Black/Pa’lante
Wisconsin Watch

Note: When you open the toolkit, you can navigate through it by clicking on the page numbers of each tool in the table of contents. Tools that are also online contain external links to those original webpages. These webpage links are marked by blue rectangles (if viewing with Adobe or Preview), hyperlinked, or the actual URL is included.

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